Monday, August 24, 2015

Introduction III: The What Of It

And, briefly, a boring post to  introduce the logistics:

My original hope was to watch 128 movies directed by women between my 28th and 29th birthday. I loved the silly poetics of it, but when I realized I'd have to faithfully commit to blogging on 2.5 movies a week, even on those weeks of vacation or working late hours or random depression, I felt like I was setting myself up for certain favor. I considered trimming it down to a digestible 100, but the more I weeded, the more it bloomed, and soon the promiscuity of movie magic had flicks busting out all over.

So my official goal is 150 movies directed by women between now (my 28th birthday) and the end of 2016, averaging 9-10 per month. In reality, I hope to keep watching, to keep watching regularly, and to be moved enough to talk about the movies as I do.

There's no hidden logic to my list. It's a blend of suggestions from friends, essentials I've missed, favorites of mine, things that I hate--- anything I believed might illicit a response in me. I've avoided several presumably wonderful scholarly films if they looked difficult to get my hands on or amounted to too many slow burns to wade through. If I'm going to be in this for the long haul, I might as well focus on movies that are stimulating to watch.

You can view my forever-flexible list of potential films here. Taste the random.

Lastly: check out and give all praise to a women a a thousand times more hardcore than I am. Marya Gates is spending 2015 exclusively watching movies directed by women that she's never seen before. Her project is gorgeous, brave, time-consuming, and perspective-changing. You can follow what she's viewing here.

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